
Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy yoga has been my passion for over fifteen years. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity I have been given to work with women at such a precious time in their lives. I have had women return to me many times with subsequent pregnancies and it gives me great satisfaction to know that I have supported them at a time when they have needed it. 

My pregnancy classes offer women a space to connect, reflect and enjoy this transitional time in their lives. This is done through movement, breathing, visualisation, affirmations, relaxation techniques and positive childbirth education. I am a mother of four and a trained birthing and postnatal doula, I am also a self-confessed Pregnancy/birthing/parenting nerd! 

These classes have always provided a community where we can discuss and explore the positives and challenges of pregnancy in a safe way. Each class is prescriptive depending on the needs of the participants. This format keep the classes fresh, interesting and personal to the group. General areas that are covered during a pregnancy yoga course are:

  • Exercises and movements for pregnancy related aches and pains 

  • Strength and flexibility for pregnancy, birth and mothering

  • Lifestyle adjustments and enhancements with yoga tools

  • Posture awareness 

  • Breathing techniques for all stages of pregnancy, birth, mothering and life in general

  • Relaxation, visualisation, affirmations and other focusing techniques

  • Sleep tips and support 

  • Positive birthing advice and education (whatever your birth plan might be)

  • Relaxation recordings for you to keep

  • Reading material and online resources will be shared

  • Postnatal insights 

  • Empowerment (through all of the above!)

The class is lead in a gentle way that promotes respect and support for women at all stages of their lives. I believe strongly that if we encourage women to look after themselves and each other in a loving way we will make the world a more positive place for our children.  I hope you can join me.

Laragh x