

June 3rd, 2020

I am delighted to announce that due to popular demand my new online mother and baby zoom class is beginning on Wednesday June 3rd . I have taught mother baby yoga for many years but due to circumstances beyond my control I hadn’t been able to do so for that last while.
I love teaching this class. Now to be fair I adore teaching it when I have physical babies in the room with me who I can cuddle when their mammas want a break so I know ill be pining for a snuggle virtually too ! This class is needed at the moment more than ever. As new mothers we need to engage with other new mums and in the zoom class we can communicate as much or as little as you like. The classes will be interactive and fun, but also practical for the mothers postnatal recovery . They will involve many of the following depending on what requests I receive :

  • Gentle stabilising exercises for body and mind

  • Strength and mobility exercises prescriptive to each mothers needs

  • Awareness exercises to acknowledge areas of the body that need extra attention after birth

  • Breathing techniques

  • ‘Bonding games’- connecting through sound, breath, massage and movements

  • Sleep and recovery support

  • Relaxation techniques for mother and baby

    You will need a yoga mat or thick blanket, lots of pillows/cushions or bolsters , and anything else that you or baby will need to be as comfortable as possible in the room with you.

Laragh x